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Produce good quality compost with
plant fiber degrading enzyme and thermophilic bacteria.

New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko promote composting by aerobic fermentation of livestock manure with a combination of plant fiber degrading enzyme and thermophilic bacteria.
With the 3 effects of New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko - reducing odors, shortening composting period, and reducing volume of compost, we support the improvement of working environment of livestock-farmers.


You can produce well-matured and good-quality compost.
Making high-quality compost leads to “environmental improvements” and “compost sales promotion”.

Reduction of odors

New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko reduces ammonia/amine odors generated during composting

Keep more than 70°C when composting

Compost volume reduction

Reducing volume by more than 20%, you can secure processing space and reduce transportation cost.

Click here to see case studies Bringing together know-how of composting.
Save time and improve an environment!


The enzymes in New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko hydrolyze the cellulose and other fibers in livestock manure and produce "sugar".
The temperature rises as native bacteria feed on “sugar” and grow.
When the temperature rises above 55℃, thermophilic bacteria begin to grow and the temperature rises more.
Thermophilic bacteria can assimilate ammonia generated during composting process as a nitrogen source, and ammonia odor can be reduced.

Temperature transition of compost

How to use

“New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko” is a material to use directly on livestock manure.
Please pay attention to the following direction and point of use.

Use amount Use 1 bag onto about 10m3 of livestock manure
(For liquid type, dilute 1 bottle with about 5-100L of water according to your equipment)
Composting method Regardless of composting method, always use 1 bag per 10m3
(For liquid type, use 1 bottle)
Equipments 1. Lane type Click here to see usage examples→
2.Fermentation Tank Click here to see usage examples→
3.Cylindrical fermentation tank
Point of use

New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko is a material which helps aerobic fermentation, so the following conditions must be satisfied.

Actual usage (For powder type)

Fermentation tank

Lane type

Click here to see case studies Bringing together know-how of composting.
Save time and improve an environment!


New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko Standard type
New-Tokubetsu-Kyuko Special Conforming product of Organic
JAS Standard Appended Table 1
(Liquid Type) For water dilution spraying
Content 7kg/bag 8kg/bag 100g/bag
Characteristic Powder Liquid
Components Active
Enzyme (Plant fiber degrade)
Thermophilic bacteria (microbe)
Perlite, Diatomite, Vegetable oil Perlite, Vegetable oil Water
Antioxidant - Stabilizers
  • Significant reduction in composting time (Produce good quality compost in short period)
  • Significant reduction in odors generated during composting
  • Significant reduction in volume of compost (25% reduction compared to the past)
How to use Spray 1 bag per 10m3 of raw manure and stir Dilute 1 bottle with about 5-100L of water per 10m3 of raw manure according to equipment and spray and stir

resQSystem Product lineup
/Composting Consulting
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“resQ” lineup, please click here to contact us.